

Music Director and Principal Conductor

Kuldar Schüts (b.1987)


Kuldar graduated with his masters’ cum laude from the Estonian Academy of Theatre and Music in the class of conducting of Prof.Em. Ants Üleoja in 2012.

Kuldar has been directing numerous choirs and vocal ensembles and participated in several music projects already during his studies. In past years, aside from collecting the experience as a conductor of boys’, male, female and mixed choires and ensembles in wide area of old and contemporary music, he has been working as a member of semi-professional and professional choirs like The Estonian Philhamonic Chamber Choir, Nargen Festival choir and ensemble Vox Clamantis. Kuldar has performed as a soloist in sacred and old music festivals. Since 2015, Kuldar is a member of Estonian National Male Choir, one of the rare full-professional male choirs in the world. Kuldar is a board member of the Estonian Society of Chamber Choirs.

In January 2017 Kuldar has taken over the post of Music Director of Engineers’ Male Choir from the founder of our choir Prof.Em. Ants Üleoja.



Ülle Tuisk (b.1988)


Ülle started her musician’s path at the Nõmme School of Music in Tallinn in the class of violin and continued in Pärnu School of Music with piano. In 2007 she started her studies of choral conducting at H.Eller School of Music in Tartu and continued in Estonian Academy of Music in the class of Prof. Ants Soots. In 2011, Ülle was one the founders of Female Chamber Choir „Sireen“. Ülle has been recognized with II prize at the 3 Schools Conducting competition in spring 2010. In 2017 she was awarded the Annual Young Conductors Prize by Estonian Choral Association.

Ülle started her career as a singer at the age of 2 following the example of her elder brothers and sisters. After several tutors of singing, she is now taking vocal lessons from soprano Kaia Urb. As a choir singer she has participated in the Estonian Concert Choir, European Choral Academy (Germany) and project choirs. Ülle has performed as a soloist with a large number of choirs and ensembles, like Voces Musicales, Corelli Music agency, Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir to name only few. From January 2016 she is a full-time member of the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir.

Since autumn of 2016 Ülle joined us as an assistant conductor.